Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Supernatural Childbirth

Have you read the book supernatural childbirth? Sometime ago I was talking to a friend about our similar situation of having fibroids and she introduced me to this book. I had taken the bold step of surgery, but she is believing God for a miracle. I do not see anything wrong with that because it is our faith in God that healed us. Anyway, she related to me how many persons after reading this book, got pregnant. I knew their couldn't be power in the book, but I was eager to see what the book is all about. So last night I started reading it and from the preface I became very intrigued. I am therefore posting the information about this book here. You may decide to purchase it or read segments of it on Google books. It is called "Supernatural Childbirth: Experiencing the promises of God concerning conception and delivery" By Jackie Mize.

The book is based on faith and I believe in reading it many of us who have lost faith will increase in faith. Within this book, there are women, just like us, who are suffering from various issues of the uterus. There are women who were told that they would never have a baby and even if they get pregnant, they would miscarried. There are women who have miscarried and have to battle with the fear of losing another child. Our emotions and experiences are within this book and it can help us by reducing the stress that is often built up in our thoughts of not having a child when we realize what God have to say about barrenness and fertility.

My friend did not get around to reading the book just yet, but she knew of many who have read it within her church, who got pregnant after reading it, despite years of trying without success. There is power in the word of God, but we have to know what it says. I urge us to read and build our faith by removing ALL negative thoughts and when God has blessed you, testify, share your stories with us so that others will be blessed and their faith built. 

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